Top 10 Stewardship Practises. I don't want to tell anyone what to do,
or give out free "advice". But, I do want to encourage responsible
horsemen to think more deeply. Many people do not think things through,
and actually say or influence others with statements that are not
accurate. If horsemen took the time to think things through, they may
act differently in some situations. Perhaps, these practises which I
strive to abide by, may help others develop their own top 10 stewardship
practises. So, what does the responsible horsemen do to demonstrate
It might sound obvious, but key to being an equine steward, is riding your horse! You have to enjoy what you are doing to spend time doing it and spending quality time, creates the partnership we are striving for as stewards!
I had a Willing Worker on Organic Farm guest a few years ago, who expressed her joy while she was riding. She laughed and smiled much of the time spent with the horses. Laughing, when well timed and "with the right meaning" is good for the horses and everyone around. As we all know, a smile takes fewer muscles than a frown. Your face relaxes when you smile. The horses respected her and performed. I have adopted this practice and it works.
Have fun . . . be safe. Get out there, compete, ride with friends, organize events, trail ride, show, photograph, train, practice, learn, teach, challenge and most of all, ride your horse, and don't forget to smile!
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